Mentorship Program Winter 2025

From $ 3775 usd
Mentorship Program Winter 2025

Our amazing faculty of noted children’s authors, editors, and master instructors come together for this unique online mentorship program designed for picture book, middle grade, and young adult authors. Our mentors —award-winning authors and professors and former professors from Hamline University and Vermont College of Fine Arts—offer students the same one-on-one guidance and stewardship available in MFA programs without the steep price tag. 

Read the full mentorship description here

*Please note: payment plans are available for our mentorship program.



Gary Schmidt

Founding Faculty Member

Kathryn Erskine

Liz Bicknell

Liz Garton Scanlon

Mitali Perkins

Phyllis Root

Shelley Tanaka

Contact us


  • Manuscript Complete
  • Manuscript in Progress
  • Virtual
  • Intermediate Writers (not yet published)
  • Published and/or Agented Authors